Group Classes
Training Classes are a great opportunity to start a foundation with you dog as well as get the unruly dog under control. Our classes are geared towards obtaining a family pet that is well behaved in the home as well in public. Classes include Puppy Foundations, Teenage Fundamentals, Basic Obedience, Level 2 Obedience, AKC Canine Good Citizenship and a variety of others.
Descriptions/ Dates & Times below
To register & Pay please follow these directions
You MUST create a Gingr profile for yourself and your dog to register. You can use either the website or download the phone app to create a profile. Please use the following steps to get started! Application - Gingr for Pet Parents
Go to the following website:
Click either Login or sign-up for a new profile
When prompted for a business code, please use 115587 (applies to filling out Gingr Pet Parents Application)
After creating a profile, you will have the opportunity to register for the group class.
You can now begin book your spot in class! (If you already have a profile with Gingr start here!)
Select your pet under ‘New Booking’
Select ‘Start Booking’
Locate the drop down menu for ‘Booking Category’
Select ‘Group Class’
Puppy Foundations
The earlier you start training, the easier it will be. During this 6 week course we will start the fundamental skills needed to become a well mannered adult, while providing appropriate socialization with people, dogs and the environment.
This class is for puppies 9 weeks to 14 weeks at the start of class.
Learn how to safely socialize, crate/house training, safe handling skills and while building your puppies foundation for obedience using reward based, motivational training.
After completing this course, expect to understand how to have your puppy give you eye contact, sit, and down. Your puppy will have also grown in confidence and engagement.
Classes will be approximately 1 hour, with group play being held at the end.
This class runs for 6 consecutive weeks for $300
Start date -
Next class begin late February. Email for exact date.
Teenage Fundamentals
While being fun and educational, Teenage Fundamentals will allow you to develop your puppies focus and motivation for learning, while maintaining a safe environment for socialization. This class is for puppies 4 months to 6 months old at the beginning of class.
Class will provide you and your puppy the skill set to achieve behaviors such as eye contact, sit, down, come, stay and walking appropriately on the leash, while having supervised socialization with other dogs, people and the environment.
Class will be approximately 1 hour, with group play being held at the end.
This class runs for 6 consecutive weeks for $300
Start date -
Tuesday January 7th at 6 pm & 7 pm. Class dates: 1/7, 1/14, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4 & 2/11.
Basic Obedience
This six week foundation obedience course is for “teenage (6-months) to adult ” dogs. You will be given equipment recommendations to set you and your dog up for life long success. Your dog’s understanding to soften leash pressure and become comfortable in the heel position will be primary goals. Reinforcement and reliability of the following commands will also be introduced: eye contact, heel, sit, down, stay, wait, leave-it and recall. This class is for obedience and not behavior problems like reactivity or aggression. Please email the trainer if you aren’t sure if this is the right class for your dog. This is a 1 hour class for 6 consecutive weeks for $300.
Start date -
January 8th at 6 pm. Wednesday’s - Class dates: 1/8, 1/15, 1/22, 1/29, 2/5 & 2/12.
February 24th at 6 pm. Monday’s - Class dates: 2/24, 3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24 & 3/31.
Level 2 Obedience
This six week class is for graduates of our Basic Obedience class, Teenage Fundamental class, any of our Teenage or Adult Day Train programs or prior trainer approval. There is no orientation for this class. Work on improving your dogs behavior around distractions. Continue to build duration and distance to your dog’s down stay. Work on sending your dog to place. Lots of leash walking as well! This 6 week class is $300.
Start date -
Next Level 2 Obedience class will be February 2025! Email to get on the list.
CGC Prep
This five week class pushes owners to expect more from their dogs. Adding distractions, distance, and duration on top all of the behaviors covered in the Basic Obedience class. Dogs will be prepared to take the AKC's Canine Good Citizen test at the end of this class. It is 4 weeks of class and testing on the 5th week.
Cost - $250
Start Date: February 26th. @ 6 pm
Class Days 2/26, 3/5, 3/12 & 3/19.
Test Date - 3/26
Email for future availability.